After completing the payment process, you will be shown the link to your purchases. There you can start downloading the MP3-WAV files.

You can also access the downloads later at any time and download the files again. You can find them after login in the section "MY MUSIC".

Download Don Pharao


Apple Music

  1. In the Music app on your Mac, choose File > Add to Library or File > Import. If you selected Copy Files to Music Media Folder When Adding to Library, you'll see File > Import.
  2. Browse for a file or folder and click Open.
    When you add a folder, all the files it contains will be added to your library.

Usually, after downloading, the files are located in the Downloads folder.

Windows Media Player

  1. Launch Windows Media Player. On the File menu, point to "Add to Media Library", and then click "Browse Computer".
  2. In the dialog box, click "Browse", and then point to the folder where you keep your downloaded files (MP3-WAV) on your computer.

Usually, after downloading, the files are located in the "Downloads" folder.


Create a playlist with the newly added tracks and sync your iPhone with Apple Music.

  1.  First you have to connect your device to your computer via USB cable.
    Then open the explorer and click on "This PC" (up to Windows 8 this menu item is still called "Computer"). Starting with Windows 8 you can also use the shortcut [Windows] + [E] to open the explorer.
    Now your device should appear under "Devices and Drives".
    There you will now see the different folders of your Android device. choose the folder "Music".
  2. You can now simply drag your music files from your computer into the Music folder.Alternatively, you can also right-click on music tracks or albums and select "Copy" from the menu. Then go to the Music folder of your Android device, double-click to open it, right-click again and select "Paste".

    Now the music is on your phone or tablet.


1. Save music on cell phone

Start the download directly on your phone.
The zip file will be saved in your files directory. There you can unzip it and the music tracks can be played there directly.

2. Install a music player app

There are various free music player apps for iPhone and Android, e.g. Music Player for iPhone in the App Store and Music Player for Android on Google Play or the VLC Player (available in both app stores).

With these apps you can create your own playlists and import music stored on your phone.

There are many other music players in the App Store and on Google Play.

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