Streaming services are increasingly dominating the music industry.
What seems comfortable to many users of these services is very much to the disadvantage of the artists, as they hardly earn anything, if anything at all. In most cases, it's not even enough to cover production costs, let alone live off of it. The consequences of this less and less music productions. The entire music industry suffers from this. Also many music studios had to give up, because productions in studios are no longer financially viable for musicians.
DON PHARAO wants to give musicians a platform again with which they can not only make themselves heard, but also earn with their music through a fair share of the revenues.
Our approach is a fair participation of the artists. You support the artists directly with every download or purchase of a CD or Vinyl Record. Unlike the current music industry standards, the shares go to the artists from the first download or purchase.
Price for one album = 9,99 €
Artists share = 70%1
1 download/purchase = 6,99 €
*Average price for one album
1Applies to the sale of finished production
Average earnings per stream (title) = approx. 0.005 €*.
To reach the same earnings at least 1 title has to be streamed
1.398 times for 6,99 €
*Average of all streaming services.
With the earnings DON PHARAO would like to finance further productions and thus make other talented artists heard.
But DON PHARAO also wants to give artists who have already created a finished production the opportunity to publish their production without having to rely on streaming services. For many of these artists, streaming services are unfortunately the only way to release their production at all, even if they know that they will earn nothing or hardly anything from it.
On streaming services, you learn the name of the artists and the music titles - nothing else.
You learn nothing about the musicians involved or who else was involved in the production. What was standard on record and CD covers is almost non-existent today.
DON PHARAO would like to mention the names of all those who were involved in the production: Musicians, producers, sound engineers, studios, composers, lyricists, graphic designers, photographers.
Music purchased via streaming services can usually only be played in the corresponding apps. As a rule, exporting the music to other media is not possible at all or only in a very complicated way. DON PHARAO does not have an app and will not offer one.
We offer the music on DON PHARAO only as download, on CD* or on vinyl*. You decide when and on which device you want to listen to your music. Once downloaded, the music remains your property* and not only as long as you have a subscription to the streaming service.
Learn how to use your music downloads and how to get them on all your devices, PC, smartphone, pads, etc.
*Unterschiedlich, je nach Projekt und Künstler
**Das bezieht sich ausschließlich auf die Nutzungsrechte, nicht die Urheberrechte der Musik.
Currently, it is claimed that streaming is the future. But this also means that you no longer control (or can control) music or "listening to music" yourself, but are dependent on the music you want to listen to being and remaining available online.
Following this hype, musicians publish as a matter of course on the streaming services, hoping to participate in this hype or even to earn money. However, this hope is only fulfilled for a few at the top. For many, unfortunately, it's "being there is everything."
The streaming services earn billions - the artists less than ever before, if at all. But instead of letting the artists share in these billions, the services are optimized even more to be able to use them as an advertising platform. Instead of "simply" listening to music, you may have to endure advertising that can only be turned off by an expensive premium subscription.